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About A Good Life

We created this blog to help us keep up with all of our adventures and also to inspire others to JUST GO TRAVEL!!!  We will share tips for traveling in certain places.  We will also give links to our favorite places and products.  One of our most favorite things to do when we travel is to find local “hole in the wall” restaurants.  We love local food and quirky restaurants.  One of our travel rules is to never eat someplace that we can eat at home.  We also love nice accommodations.  Because we are generally moving at a fast pace on most of our travel experiences to get all of the sties in in a limited amount of time rest is important.  We will link our favorite resorts and hotels also.  You will also see things like how to rent a car in Alaska ,   What place in the Everglades is a must stop for a restroom break,  What is our most favorite beach,  when is the best time to visit Cumberland Island,  Which rodeo is a must see in Montana, and  What is the best hike choice for the Grand canyon? 


The name of this blog will also be the name of our loop boat:  A-Good Life.  This name came about due to the name that the football players use for Chad.  They call him “  Coach  A-Good”  Therefore our travel name and boat name is A- Good life with the emphasis on the “A."

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