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  • agoodlifect

It's not all Sunsets and Dolphins!!

We arrived to the boat on Saturday afternoon. Our original plan was to unload, turn on AC and water so the boat could cool down while we enjoyed the afternoon at the beach. We began to turn on all water and power and do our normal start up routine. We both heard a strange low roaring noise. We were not sure if it was coming from our boat or a boat near us. Chad raised the hatch, and the sound grew louder. The awful sound of RUSHING WATER was coming from the engine room. He was below and I began turning off breakers and turning off water. The Water heater had a busted line and was spewing everywhere. After a trip to the island Ace hardware and then West marine Chad finally found a part that he could use to repair the water heater. The leak was repaired, and we had hot water!!!!

After that repair we still noticed a small drip of water in a few places in the engine room.  After some research and tracing water lines all over the boat. He determined that the leak was coming from the AC drain pan in the master stateroom. Thankfully we have our own personal expert Scott Duvall on speed dial. He walked us through what to try.  We had to use a turkey baster to get the water out of the pan (it is a very small space).  After a few hours of working, we determined it was time to call the company that installed the AC a few months ago. They came the next day and repaired a drain line that we could not get to. We are hoping this will fix the problem.  It remains to be seen in the next few days.

After these major unplanned repairs, we did take a few hours the following day to rest and relax on the beach. We then began other planned projects for the week. Chad washed the boat and I cleaned and organized inside and outside areas. After the sun went down (it has been 100 degrees in Ga. this week) we proceeded to take all 200 feet of our anchor chain out and lay it on the dock to mark the anchor chain. The anchor chain needs to be marked in order to know how much you are putting out when anchoring depending on the depth of the water.  

In these few months of boat life, we have learned to expect the unexpected and always expect something to break. Also, there are always projects and the list is never ending!!

We did check off several items from our list but now have more to do in the next few months. Hopefully by the time we leave for the loop in a few years all projects will be completed. Well, we can always hope.


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