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Late in the day as the tide changes, the landscape of the beach comes to life at Gould’s Inlet on Saint Simons Island, Georgia.  Tide pools of calming water start to develop near the shore.  While off in the distance the waters are rough, and waves are crashing.

This contrast reminds me of my spirit and season of life in 2023 vs currently in 2024.

I sat in this same spot last year at this very same time.  I only saw the waves crashing and felt the uncertainty of the tides of life.   We had just embarked on a major job change for my husband.  He left his dream job of Football coaching after 30 years to take a job as an Athletic Director.  We were 100% certain this was God’s will.  He had opened this door so wide and held it for so long we had no reason to doubt this was the path he had for us.  Still, I was feeling the lose of a family and career that we had known all our married life.  I was not sure how we were going to function in this new environment.  I was concerned about adjusting to this major change for both of us.  I was still worried that this might not be the right move and the right time.  All we had known and loved was the coaching life.  What did God have in store for us?  The actual waves had stopped crashing around us finally, but my focus was still on them and the fact that they were still lurking out there in the distance.

Thankfully, as I sit here today, one year later my focus is on the calm tide pools and my spirit is at rest.  The waves are still out there but this season I am focused on the calming tide pools.  God has been faithful to calm the seas for us this past year.  He has allowed us a much-needed rest and recovery time.  He has been faithful to calm the storms in our lives and allow us time to sit at His feet and restore our souls.  I did not realize how exhausted I really was after 30 years of the coaching life.  Once we stepped away God started to show me a glimpse of a new direction.  He was not being cruel in taking away something we loved.  He was being gracious to give us so much better.  He has been teaching me to live beside the still waters for a change.

I am so grateful for this past year of calmness of spirit and clarity of thought.  I have enjoyed not having to worry about wins and losses.  I have rested in not worrying if I must move at moment’s notice after the season. I have loved not having to schedule every event of life around a football schedule.  Where this change has presented some challenges and some heartache it has also been very freeing and a much-needed change of pace and perspective.

While I am currently sitting beside still waters soaking up God’s goodness and blessings, I know the waves are still out there.  I am taking advantage of this quiet season to prepare for the waves when they come crashing back.  I know at some point they will return with the tide.  I am learning to trust and praise God no matter the landscape of the shore.  God is in control of the tides, the waves, and the tide pools of my life.

Psalm 23:2-3

…He leads me beside still waters, He restores my soul…..


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1 Comment

Mar 02

Love this and your heart!

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